However, as great changes have taken place in Chinese political and economic fields, the administrative compulsory measure of reeducation through labor has evolved into a legal means of sanction placed on the same par with criminals 'forced labor reform. 但随着我国政治、经济等方面发生的巨大变化,劳动教养这一行政强制措施,也已逐步演变成为一种与对罪犯进行强制劳动改造相提并论的法律制裁手段。
Building a reasonable and perfect judicial review system to examine the right of compulsory sanction is a mission of studying the legitimate purpose of investigative procedure. 建立合理完善的司法审查制度,对侦查机关实施强制性处分权进行司法审查,就成为侦查程序正当目的研究的历史使命。
Having the right of compulsory sanction, the investigation organizations easily cause the problems of extorting a confession by torture, extending custody and illegal obtaining evidences, which affect the realization of purpose of criminal lawsuit. 侦查机关拥有强制性处分权在实践中易导致刑讯逼供、超期羁押、非法取证等一系列问题,影响刑事诉讼目的的实现。